
How resilience conferences can help you be reborn ?

1 September 2021



Peinture Le Mythe D

Peinture Le Mythe D


1 in 2 people experience or will experience trauma in their lifetime. You’ve probably already been resilient during an ordeal (whether professional or personal) or maybe know someone who is resilient.

Childhood trauma, painful experiences, burn-out, depression, accidents … All these things – however horrible they are – can help to forge, but not only. The subject of resilience is rarely discussed in business, but it is nevertheless necessary because listening to victims or conferences on resilience can help to be reborn.




How to bounce back from a trauma?

Reclaiming your life after a concussion is no easy task, let alone rebuilding yourself. However, dealing with your problems is required in order to evolve and not stand still. Challenging your destiny could help you make your trials a strength for the future and could open up opportunities for you.


You are probably a resilient person or in the process of becoming so

If the words “adaptability”, “rebuilding”, “coping with events”, “managing failure”, “hardships” resonate intimately in your mind, you are undoubtedly a resilient person and a better person. stronger than you might think.

To be characterized by this type of qualitative shows resistance to the shocks of life. You accept that the world is not standing still, that it is constantly changing (which will not always be in your favor) and you try to adapt to it.

Salime Nassur understood it well and preferred to follow the expression “The World is Yours” rather than the path of fatalism by looking for the beautiful in the unpleasant


The power of resilience and why bring in speakers on resilience at work?

Being resilient grants many qualities, especially in the world of work. This faculty shows that you master yourself and therefore that you trust yourself, an important thing in leadership. During your career you will most likely be led to manage groups of individuals in order to carry out missions without knowing upstream the difficulties you might encounter.

Bringing in speakers on resilience will help motivate your troops and raise awareness of some of their abilities and strengths.




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