Sarah Durieux

Sarah Durieux

Author, trainer and consultant in activism

Sarah Durieux supports those who work for social and environmental justice, equality, and democracy everywhere. To do this, she helps them draw on their experiences and values to develop a collective power used strategically to change the world.

She trains and equips individuals, groups, associations, and organizations to think about their campaign strategies, advocacy, and citizen mobilization, as well as their methodologies for collective organization and leadership development. She particularly promotes an approach to engagement based on anchoring individual and collective action in individuals’ deep values and life paths.


She launched and led the Change.org platform in France for several years, which has 14 million members in the country and has allowed numerous citizen campaigns to change laws, corporate practices, and the functioning of institutions. She has developed a pedagogy enabling anyone to engage in collective action, which she describes in her book “Changer le monde, Manuel d’activisme pour reprendre le pouvoir” (“Changing the World, Activism Manual to Take Back Power”).

She works particularly to enable alliances and collective work between different stakeholders. In 2020, she co-founded “Rencontre des Justices,” a movement bringing together activists and social entrepreneurs working for equality, social justice, and climate justice. In 2022, she co-founded “Quartier Général,” a collective for activists running for elections, organizing mutual aid, coaching, and resource sharing among independent candidates while promoting solidarity, loyalty, and sharing.


She was selected by the Obama Foundation as one of 35 European leaders to watch.


Her podcast, Le cœur et le poing (The Heart and the Fist), explores, through the words of activists’ loved ones, what drives people to take action to change the world.



Spoken languages: French, English
